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The Perma “AH” Adjustable Head Member Dock Seal offers the benefits of three sided foam seal protection along with an adjustable, 18” high, steel framed head member for varying truck height coverage.
This 12" wide foam filled, wood backed head member is standard on Perma Dock Seals for doors less than 9'0" high.
The Perma “Original” Dock Seal is constructed with polyurethane foam, attached to pressure treated wood backboard through a 2″ vinyl fabric hem using screws and washers.
Perma Tech’s P90 dock seal is an “L" shape design that hugs the truck and creates a tight seal from top to bottom that is ideal for servicing both 8′ and 8’6″ wide trucks.
Perma Reducer Dock Seal provides an effective seal with full access to the trailer for 8′ wide dock doors serving 8’6″ trailers.
Weather Shield Series is a wrapped foam with high-quality vinyl and stapled construction on pressure treated backboards that are the industry standard.