How to Keep Pests out of the Garage

How to Keep Pests out of the Garage

Changes in the weather can prompt pests such as rodents, beetles and termites to seek out shelter, making your garage a prime location.

However, once pests set up a temporary home in your garage, they can weaken the physical structure and damage your possessions. In addition, some rodents and insects carry pathogens, which can impact your family’s health. Here’s what you need to know about maintaining a pest-free garage.

Common Types of Garage Pests

Knowing which pests are likely to enter your garage helps prevent infestation. Here are some of the most common insects and rodents to look out for:

Rats and Mice

Rodents like rats and mice often seek shelter in garages, causing damage to upholstered furniture, electrical wiring and any paper products in storage. They also present a severe risk to your health as they can transfer diseases in three ways:

  • Rodent scratches or bites
  • Carrying infected ticks, mites and fleas
  • Contaminated water, food or dust from rodent droppings


Spiders are another common pest in garages, as they seek out quiet areas where their webs can remain intact. Thankfully, only two of the 3,000 spiders found in the United States are venomous, yet their webs impact the overall appearance of your garage. Additionally, they can leave insect remains on the floor and other surfaces.


Termites may be one of the smallest pests to enter your garage, yet they can cause immense destruction. According to the Realty Times, termites affect roughly 600,000 homes in the United States annually. To control the situation and repair the damage, homeowners spend up to $5 billion annually.


Ants often enter your garage through small cracks, and as a colony insect, they arrive in vast numbers. While most ant species will cause minimal damage, carpenter ants are the exception and can harm your garage’s structural integrity.

As their name suggests, carpenter ants burrow through wood to create nests. This can weaken or damage any wooden objects in your garage, such as wooden work benches, shelving, or stored furniture.


Crickets seek out warm, moist areas, so garages are particularly inviting during the cooler months. One of the most destructive species is the camel cricket, as they chew through fabric, making upholstered furniture and other material items vulnerable.


Beetles look for warm places as winter approaches, so watch for these pests.

Carpet beetles are common intruders in American homes and garages. They build nests in fabric items, destroying curtains, clothing and other stored belongings. They can also lay approximately 100 eggs at a time, so removing these pests at the onset is best to prevent an infestation.


House flies thrive in temperatures of approximately 83 degrees Fahrenheit, making garages the perfect haven. Their ability to fly means they come into contact with countless surfaces, which spreads diseases. Humans risk contracting salmonellosis, typhoid, tuberculosis and other diseases from flies.


Sowbugs require moist conditions to survive, which is why they will seek out damp areas in your garage. Their presence poses no real threat to your health or belongings, but keeping your garage pest-free is best.


Silverfish invade garages throughout the year but are widespread during winter. According to Healthline, silverfish consume cellulose, a substance found in paper products and dead skin cells such as dandruff. Books, old magazines, cardboard boxes and other paper products in your garage are prime targets for these pests.

In addition, studies have linked silverfish scales with allergen-based breathing problems, making them significantly more problematic.

Why Do Pests Like Garages?

After reviewing the different types of pests that frequent garages in the United States, you can see some common reasons why they venture indoors. These include:

  • A need for protection: Creatures are hardwired to protect themselves, and garages offer protection against harsh weather conditions and predators.
  • A need for warmth: Insects often need moist, warm areas to reproduce, so they search for these conditions to continue their life cycle.
  • A need to eat: Bugs and rodents need food to survive and are attracted to the odors present in garages, such as the smell of stored food or trash.

7 Tips to Keep Pests out of the Garage

Here are our top tips for keeping your garage pest-free:

1. Remove Food Sources

Many homeowners store food in their garage, such as canned goods, pet food or a freezer full of frozen meals. While using your garage for storage is an excellent use of space, be mindful of any odors that could attract rodents and pests.

Keep pests out of your garage by using:

  • Airtight containers to prevent pest contamination
  • Overhead racks to ensure food stays dry and upright
  • Fully functioning freezer equipment to prevent thawing

2. Clean Your Garage

Regular dusting can remove cobwebs and other debris which attracts pests. If you’re storing food in your garage, frequently sweeping and mopping your floors eliminates any food sources that entice rodents and bugs.

Aside from eliminating temptations for pests, cleaning your garage also alerts you to possible infestations so you can remove bugs from your garage.

3. Lay Traps

If you’ve tried to deter insects and rodents but still see them in your garage, consider laying traps. Bait traps are an effective solution for ants, while fly strips can assist in resolving a fly infestation.

The Humane Society International advises homeowners to select humane traps to capture and release mice and rats and check these at least three times daily.

4. Install Your Garage Door Correctly

When your garage door is flush against the frame, you can keep insects out of the garage as there is less chance of them crawling through small gaps.

Prevent the likelihood of pest problems by inspecting your garage door and contacting a professional repair team to fit it correctly.

5. Perform Regular Maintenance

Garages can withstand the elements, but general wear and tear occurs over time. Be proactive by examining your structure after extreme weather. If necessary, organize a maintenance team to repair the structure and seal it from pests.

6. Check for Cracks

Pests can invade your garage from your ceiling, walls, foundation and door, so periodically check these areas for cracks. If you notice places where pests could enter, seal these gaps. 

7. Remove Cardboard Boxes

If you’ve been storing items in cardboard boxes, now is the time to declutter and upgrade your storage. Cardboard boxes are a food source for silverfish and a safe hiding place for other pests, so remove cardboard boxes to prevent infestations. Use sealed containers if you must store things in your garage.

Realize Your Goal of a Pest-Free Garage

Many pests can infiltrate garages, making garage door inspections and maintenance essential. If your door is misaligned or won’t close properly, contact our professional team for repairs and installations. With a service history spanning over 50 years, Marvin’s Garage Doors has the expertise to retain the structural integrity of your garage so you keep pests at bay.

Water Damage In Your Garage

Water Damage In Your Garage

Your garage serves more purposes than one. While its main function is to keep your vehicle safe from the elements and the risk of being stolen, it also stores your personal belongings and may even double as a workspace. We don’t always give our garage the attention it deserves until it’s too late. 

When you realize there’s water in your garage, the first thing you should do is inspect it for damage. Here’s more on why you should check signs of water damage and tips to prevent further damage. 

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The Importance of Protecting Your Garage From Water Damage

It’s important to protect your garage from water damage because it’s an asset that can increase or decrease your home’s value. Here’s why you should always keep an eye out if you notice a leak in your garage or you’ve experienced heavy rainfall.

Cost of Water Damage

The financial impact of water damage in your garage may range from minor to severe, depending on the extent. The cost of water damage in your garage might include: 

  • Increased insurance premiums: If you need to file a claim with your insurance for the cost of the damage, you will probably pay a high excess and increased monthly premiums. This may not initially be too costly, but with time, it accumulates. However, insuring your garage is still a better option than having no insurance at all. 
  • Cost of repairs: Any time you need to repair things, regardless of what it is and the size, it costs money. Depending on what has been damaged, you can expect to spend money to repair the flooring, subfloor, walls, electrical and even the garage door. 
  • Cost of damaged stored goods: If you use your garage for storage, it most likely contains valuable equipment, vehicles, furniture and other belongings that can’t fit in your house. If these items aren’t wrapped in plastic or waterproof material, you may find yourself in deep water, so to speak. Depending on the damage’s extent, you could spend a lot to replace or repair any water-damaged items. 

Structural Damage

Water can cause structural damage to your garage and the rest of your property because it can seep through walls and untreated concrete floors. Once it settles and is absorbed, you’ll notice discoloration and erosion on the surface. Cracks might also appear. Garages with older, worn floors are more susceptible to seepage. Allowing your garage to air-dry will help but if the water has penetrated too deep, it may cause the walls to become brittle and eventually expose the beams. 

Mold and Mildew

Another consequence of water damage is mold and mildew. If your garage has an unfinished ceiling, the drainage system is blocked or it lacks the proper insulation and ventilation for air to circulate, it creates the ideal environment for mold to grow. Severe mold can cause structural damage to your walls and ceilings. Removing the mold and finding the source is important. Mold may not always be visible as it can grow behind walls, but you’ll identify it by a stale, clammy odor hanging in the air. 

Mold exposure also comes with negative health consequences, including:

  • Upper respiratory symptoms like wheezing and coughing 
  • Itchy eyes and skin irritation
  • Sneezing and runny nose

It can also exacerbate health conditions like asthma and other allergies.

Signs of Water Damage

Finding leaks is important because it prevents further damage to your home. The following signs may help you identify and reduce water damage in your garage: 

Signs of Water Damage

  • Discoloration on the ceiling or walls: Faded yellow spots on your ceiling or walls is one of the more apparent signs of water leaking into your garage. There could be a leak in your roof or plumbing network causing a steady trickle that’s growing in size. 
  • Water puddles: If you see puddles or small dams of water anywhere on your garage floor, that’s a likely sign of a significant water leak.
  • Rust: Water damage and excess humidity can cause any metal, like tools or car parts, in your garage to rust. If your garage door components are rusted, it will impact its functionality. 
  • Eroded and cracked floors: Concrete is porous, and when water seeps through tiny holes and cracks, it accumulates and causes the floor to expand as it gradually evaporates. Water damage can lead to erosion and cracks appearing in your floors. 

5 Tips to Prevent Water Damage in Your Garage

You can do a few things to help prevent water damage in your garage:

1. Ensure Your Drainage System Works

An effective drainage system is key to avoiding water damage. Ensure rainwater is directed away from the home and make sure your trench drain and catch basin are unclogged at all times to ensure any water can be caught without overflowing. 

2. Improve the Garage Ventilation

Garages are generally dark and humid and may lack sufficient ventilation to allow air to circulate. It could help to place a dehumidifier in a garage prone to humidity and moisture. Replacing small windows with larger ones is another option so you have full control over how much natural air and light enters. 

3. Check the Floor for Cracks

To get a good idea of what you’re dealing with, clean your garage completely before inspecting the floor for cracks. Sweep the floor to remove dirt that can cover hairline cracks. Once you’ve identified any, use a proper sealer to close them up. It will be beneficial to redo the floor with another layer of concrete or waterproof sealer to ensure any cracks are covered. You’ll also have peace of mind knowing they won’t return any time soon. 

4. Inspect Your Garage Door for Sealing Issues

Your garage door and any windows could allow water to enter from outside if they aren’t sealed properly. Check these each time it rains and reseal if necessary, especially the weatherstripping as it tends to go through wear and tear-related damage faster. If there’s damage to your garage door that’s causing more problems, contact a garage door contractor to inspect it for possible repairs or replacement.

5. Evaluate the Roof and Plumbing

Your roof and even plumbing may be the culprits behind your water damage issues. Inspecting your roof at least once every few months, especially during the winter, could help prevent water damage in your garage. If you notice decreased water pressure, hissing pipes or discolored water, you might have an issue with your plumbing that could lead to water damage.

Contact Marvin’s Garage Doors for Help With Your Garage Door

Marvin’s Garage Doors is proud to offer 24-hour emergency garage door services if things ever get out of control, so don’t hesitate to call us to assist. We take care of our valued clients in Winston-Salem, Wilkesboro and all Piedmont triad of North Carolina. 

If you’re interested in our garage door services, call us or request an estimate today.

Contact Marvin's Garage Doors for Help With Your Garage Door

Ways to Extend the Life Span of Your Garage Door

Ways to Extend the Life Span of Your Garage Door

Garage doors are essential components of many residential homes. You can shield your car from external conditions and store other valuables, like power tools. 

Routine, proactive maintenance keeps your garage door in peak condition, preventing costly repairs and premature breakdowns. Learn how to preserve your garage door functionality and how Marvin’s Garage Doors can help.

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The Value of Garage Door Maintenance

If you take good care of your garage door, it will stay in top shape longer. Here’s why you should invest in garage door maintenance.

  • Increased safety: Garage doors use sensors and switches to facilitate safe movement. However, these doors are heavy and can cause injuries if they function incorrectly. Regular maintenance lets you identify potential performance issues before they become more significant. You also prevent safety issues by keeping the door in its best condition. 
  • Decreased costs: Maintenance can also save you money in the long term by reducing the chance of sudden and comprehensive failures. You can catch minor repairs before they snowball into extensive, expensive problems. For instance, fixing a tiny part is much more affordable than an entire door replacement.
  • Improved accessibility: Many people use the garage door as their primary entry and exit route. A broken or malfunctioning door will be massively inconvenient if you normally park in your garage. Maintenance helps you enjoy easy daily access.

5 Ways to Conduct Garage Door Maintenance

You can extend your garage door’s life span with these five essential tasks.

5 Ways to Conduct Garage Door Maintenance

1. Clean Door Panels and Tracks

Cleaning is a critical part of maintenance. It improves your door’s appearance and prevents pollutants from accumulating on the tracks, panels and other components. 

The tracks support the garage door’s weight and allow it to slide up and down. Opening the door exposes it to the outdoors, allowing dust and filth to build up. Excessive dirt or debris accumulation can limit the door’s movements — it could become stuck or move more slowly. Regular cleaning keeps the tracks clear and free of dirt. You can use a damp cloth or a brake cleaner to remove dirt. While you clean, make sure the tracks have the correct alignment and no signs of rust.

You should also regularly clean your garage door’s front panels. These parts withstand weather conditions like rain, snow and wind, which can lead to grime accumulation or faded colors. Your cleaning approach depends on the door’s material type. For instance, wooden doors might need different cleaners than vinyl doors. You should follow the manufacturer’s guidelines when cleaning your door to protect the material. As you clean, note whether it needs repainting, restaining or other attention.

It’s best to contact garage door technicians to clean your tracks and panels. They can provide the most thorough cleaning without damaging the door.

2. Lubricate Rollers and Bearings

Lubricant helps your door move smoothly. You should grease the rollers, bearings, chain belt and other moving components a few times each year. Spray silicone or another approved product to the necessary area, then wipe off the excess. Look for signs of damage or rust that could cause more significant problems later. Professional technicians can recommend the best lubricant for your door and apply it correctly.

3. Test Door Balance

Another crucial maintenance step is to test the door’s balance. Your door must stay balanced — imbalances can result in injury or damage to vehicles and belongings. You can test its security once or twice yearly to ensure it stays in the correct alignment. 

Follow these steps to test the balance:

  • Switch the garage door to manual operation by disconnecting from the opener.
  • Lift the door partway and release it, letting it suspend.
  • A balanced door should remain in this position. Imbalances cause the door to slip or change position.

If you notice an imbalance, call a professional garage door technician to inspect and repair the unit. Balance tests can be hazardous to do on your own, especially if the door slips.

4. Inspect Safety Features and Hardware

You should also consistently inspect and test garage door safety features. The emergency release and movement sensors are crucial for safe use. You can pull the emergency release and view the door’s response to ensure it functions correctly. To test the sensors, place a large object underneath the open door, then activate the system to pull the door down. It should stop as soon as it detects the item. Contact a technician to inspect the sensor if your door fails to stop.

5. Follow the Garage Door Manual

You can also reference your garage door manual for further maintenance recommendations. Depending on your garage door type, it might require more or less action throughout the year. You can also consult with professional garage door services to determine the best cleaning and maintenance patterns for your door.

Garage Door Maintenance FAQs 

Here are answers to other frequent questions about garage door upkeep.

1. How Often Should You Get Garage Door Maintenance?

You should perform maintenance at least once a year. However, you might need more frequent inspections if you rely heavily on your door. Professional technicians can recommend specific maintenance plans based on your typical usage.

2. How Long Do Garage Doors Last?

Garage doors can last for multiple years or decades. Every door has a different life span, depending on factors like these.

  • Usage: The more you use your garage door, the sooner it will wear down. 
  • Maintenance frequency: Routine maintenance and inspections help your door last longer. If you ignore this need, the door might need a replacement sooner.
  • Materials: Garage doors are available in many materials, from steel to vinyl. Each option has different maintenance needs, with some enduring longer than others. 
  • Weather conditions: Harsh weather conditions can wear down a garage more quickly. 

3. When Should You Get a Garage Door Replacement?

You should contact professional replacement services for reasons like:

  • Consistently poor performance
  • Severe signs of damage
  • Safety feature failure

Technicians can evaluate your door and help you decide whether a repair or replacement is better.

Schedule Maintenance With Marvin’s Garage Doors Today

Maintenance is essential for safe and effective garage door operation. Professional technicians have thorough training to ensure your door functions and looks its best. 

Marvin’s Garage Doors offers comprehensive maintenance, repair and replacement services for both residential and commercial garage doors. Our expert technicians can identify and resolve performance problems, increasing the door’s safety and efficiency. We can service all components and provide the best recommendations for follow-up maintenance procedures.

Request a service appointment today to get started with Marvin’s Garage Doors.

Schedule Maintenance With Marvin's Garage Doors Today

How Insulated Sectional Doors Help Keep Your Garage Cool

When the weather is hot, it can be challenging to maintain a cool and comfortable temperature in the garage or any building. The heat can be incredibly debilitating when working in those spaces. Fortunately, insulated sectional garage doors offer an effective solution for handling extreme temperatures. 

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Why Is Temperature Control Essential?

Maintaining a comfortable temperature is crucial for keeping people satisfied and ensuring you can work efficiently. When a garage or commercial building stays cool, you can expect increased employee productivity and collaboration.

How Do Insulated Sectional Doors Work?

Insulated sectional doors can be engineered with polystyrene or polyurethane insulation. Both high thermal resistance materials minimize heat transfer and act as a barrier that prevents outdoor heat from entering the garage. While polystyrene provides excellent value and efficiency, polyurethane insulation has more density and reduces vibrations. 

When considering insulated garage doors for your property, check their R-value. This measurement indicates how well the doors prevent heat from entering the space. The higher the R-value, the better insulation the doors will provide. 

Benefits of Using Insulated Garage Doors

Aside from keeping a manageable temperature in a space, insulated sectional doors also offer the following advantages: 

Increased Energy Efficiency

Insulated doors prevent outdoor temperatures from seeping into your property through the garage. As a result, your air conditioning system won’t have to overcompensate and put in extra work to keep the space cool, which can lower energy bills. 

Protection for Valuables 

Extreme temperatures can damage some sensitive items. However, insulated garage doors can help you create a controlled environment with a consistent temperature regardless of the conditions outside. Keeping your valuables or products in a controlled environment can preserve their quality and safeguard against the wear and tear caused by fluctuating temperatures.

Enhanced Curb Appeal 

You can elevate the look of your residential or commercial property with insulated sectional doors. They are available in various materials, colors and finishes, enabling you to find the right style to suit your aesthetic. 

Contact Marvin's Garage Doors for Quality Insulated Sectional Doors

Contact Marvin’s Garage Doors for Quality Insulated Sectional Doors

Marvin’s Garage Doors has been a trusted source of quality garage door products and services since 1970. We offer three varieties of insulated sectional doors, including Energy Series, Energy Series with Intellicore® and Industrial Series, with numerous options to suit your needs. 

Beat the heat and keep your garage cool with our insulated section doors when you contact us today. 

How to Clean Your Garage Door

Cleaning your garage door is essential to protect your investment and help it look better for longer. In general, you should wash your garage door at least in the spring and fall. However, if you live in a coastal climate or another area with high moisture, you may want to clean four times a year or once every season. High humidity and salt air, especially, can damage your aluminum garage door or other garage door. 

Steps to Clean Your Garage Door

The good news is that you will generally have the tools you need to wash your garage door on hand. Set aside a few hours for the job and then follow these steps: 

  1. Gather your supplies: You will need a ladder, a mild dishwashing soap, a bucket and plenty of soft cloths. When choosing a soap, look for a mild product and be sure to mix it with plenty of water. About two gallons of water to one cup of soap is usually ideal, though you should consult your garage door manual to ensure the products won’t harm the finish. 
  2. Brush and pre rinse the door: Start by using a cloth to brush off cobwebs and any obvious dirt from the garage door. Then, wet the door with a gentle stream from a garden hose or bucket of clean water. 
  3. Apply soap and scrub lightly: Dip a cloth into your soap and water mixture and, starting at the top of your garage door, scrub downward. Use added pressure on any stains.
  4. Rinse and dry: Once you’re done scrubbing, wash off the soap mixture with fresh water. 
  5. Wax: Many individuals don’t realize they can wax a garage door. In fact, if you have a steel door, you need to wax it when your garage door has dried fully after washing. You can use a car liquid wax, though you will want to consult the garage door manual to see if specific products are recommended. 
  6. Clean and lubricate weatherstripping: Don’t overlook the weatherstripping and trim. Taking care of these features helps them last longer and makes your garage door look its best. 
  7. Clean the interior of your garage door: While the inside of your garage door is exposed to fewer elements, it can still get dirty. Use the same process to clean this area.

Check Out Our Other Garage Door Maintenance Tips

Can a Garage Door Be Power-Washed?

While it can seem tempting, never power-wash your garage door. There is a lot of force in a powerwasher, which can be enough to cause damage. For homeowners, it’s best to stick with a handwashing system that protects your garage door. 

Reach out to Marvin’s Garage Doors Today 

One of the advantages of washing your garage door is that it gives you a chance to find potential problems before they become serious issues. If you see any need for repair, contact Marvin’s Garage Doors for help from garage door professionals.

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The Best Materials for Garage Doors

Whenever you’re selecting a new appliance, it’s easy to get lost in the abundance of options and customizations. Garage doors provide safety and security, are often used as a primary entrance and offer a striking sense of curb appeal. You know you need one, but what is the best garage door material for your installation?

Call for Installation

This guide explores common garage door materials, and what are garage doors made of, weighing their properties with the pros and cons. Decide on the best garage door for your home.

1. Steel Garage Doors

Steel doors have several appealing features that make them popular. They are durable and of high quality while still being affordable. Steel doors come in many design options and can be more cost-effective than you might expect.

Despite its toughness, steel is lighter in weight than some of the other materials on this list. High-grade steel can tolerate stress and heavy use well. Steel is a reliable material overall for building garage doors.

One drawback to using steel is that this material can be susceptible to rust without a special coating. Steel garage doors may start to rust along the bottom over time. If you live in an area with heavy snowfall, the salt applied to the roads can accelerate the presence of rust. Washing your door at least twice annually can remove dirt and help prevent rust.

Adding insulation to your steel garage door can boost its R-value. An R-value rates a material’s resistance to heat transfer — the higher the number, the greater a material’s total thermal resistance. Since metal is not a good insulator, steel doors benefit from some added insulation to increase their energy efficiency.

The pros of steel garage doors include:

  • Durability
  • Resistant to damage
  • Economical because of the low maintenance requirement

The cons of steel garage doors include:

  • Provide less insulation
  • Prone to rust and corrosion
  • Low-quality steel is prone to damages

2. Aluminum Garage Doors

Aluminum doors are generally more contemporary and have several attractive design options. With many options for window placement, coatings and colors, aluminum garage doors are easy to customize because of how malleable this building material is.

Aluminum is naturally lightweight but can be damaged by strong winds, flying objects or hail. A dent in an aluminum door can be difficult to repair, which may make installing a new door a more appealing option if a door experiences significant damage.

You can add insulation to the aluminum rails to increase the R-value of the door and boost your garage’s thermal protection.

The pros of aluminum garage doors are:

  • Resistant to corrosion
  • Low-maintenance

The cons of aluminum garage doors are:

  • Has less durability and can dent
  • Sensitive to extreme heat

3. Wood Garage Doors

Garage doors made of wood are timeless. As an eco-friendly material and a renewable resource, wood is a simple option with several possibilities, and it works for any style of home. You can customize a wood door’s style, windows and paint colors so it matches your home exterior and serves as a valuable selling feature. Regarding a garage door material comparison, wood doors naturally have superior insulation.

The primary drawback of wood garage doors is that they have a higher upfront cost and higher maintenance. If you take good care of a wood garage door, its beauty will last for decades, but it is vulnerable to chipping, rotting or warping. Wood doors are best for mild climates because of the effects that extreme changes in temperature and excess moisture could have on this material.

The pros of wood garage doors include:

  • The beautiful, classic appearance
  • Naturally superior insulation
  • Many high-quality overlay designs
  • Field-staining capabilities

The cons of wood garage doors include:

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4. Wood Composite Garage Doors

Composite garage doors are a type of faux wood with a frame containing fiberboard. They are created from recycled materials, including plastic fiber and reclaimed wood. Higher quality composite doors generally have fiberboard of a higher density, and the design features can also appear more realistic for simulating a genuine wood door.

The core of a composite door can be filled with insulation to enhance this material’s temperature control capabilities. 

The pros of composite garage doors are:

  • Aesthetically similar to wood
  • Affordable
  • Durable
  • Resistant to rot

The cons of composite garage doors are:

  • Can chip or crack
  • Requires maintenance

5. Fiberglass Garage Doors

Fiberglass is another type of faux wood with a grain texture designed to mimic the appearance and feel of genuine wood. This economical material is resistant to shrinking and warping. It’s a good choice if you live in a humid region with heavy rainfall. 

Fiberglass doors can be designed as raised panels or overlays, depending on your aesthetic preferences. Although this material is an excellent fit for homes in warm climates, it is less suited for areas with high winds or along the coasts. Strong winds striking a fiberglass door create a distinctive noise and may also cause damage.

The pros of fiberglass garage doors include:

  • Low maintenance
  • Aesthetically similar to wood
  • Resistant to warping and corrosion
  • Doesn’t contract or expand from extreme changes in temperature

The cons of fiberglass garage doors include:

6. Vinyl Garage Doors

Vinyl is a tough synthetic material that makes a strong garage door. Vinyl doors can be manufactured on steel frames for an even higher degree of toughness and filled with insulation to enhance their energy efficiency. It is difficult to damage vinyl, and vinyl doors require minimal maintenance.

Vinyl is a good universal material, but it has its drawbacks. Repainting your vinyl garage door is difficult or even impossible because of how the vinyl is produced, so you should carefully decide the door’s color. In terms of color options, vinyl is limited. The finished product is unalterable.

The pros of vinyl garage doors are:

  • Durable
  • Resistant to damage
  • Resistant to corrosion and rust
  • Low-maintenance
  • Affordable

The cons of vinyl garage doors are:

  • Limited to the original color
  • Less insulated without additional materials

Buy Your New Garage Door

Now that you know the typical pros and cons of garage door materials, you’re ready to choose a new door to make your home stand out. Based in North Carolina, Marvin’s Garage Doors sells quality products in the Winston-Salem, Wilkesboro and all Piedmont Triad areas. We carry garage doors made of the most popular materials.

We’ll help you make an informed decision based on your situation. Please feel free to use our garage door visualizer tool to help you choose your preferred style. Contact us if you have any questions about our products or the materials we use.

When Should You Replace Garage Door Springs?

Your garage door springs are durable pieces essential for your door to function correctly. When you regularly maintain them, they can last for many years. However, with any moving parts, you will experience some wear and tear, and you will eventually need to replace your springs. 

Keeping your moving pieces clean and well-lubricated will help your springs function properly and last for a longer time, but they’re not indestructible. The more you use your door, the sooner you will experience signs of wear in your springs. 

Request Spring Repair Service

How Do Garage Door Springs Work?

Your garage door springs work by either expanding or turning to open your door. Some are connected to a pulley system that raises and lowers your door through the connected cables. Others are attached to metal tubes that connect to the cable drums to open and close your door when they turn. 

Types of Garage Door Springs

The springs on your garage control the opening and closing of the door. Garage doors either have extension springs or torsion springs. Extension springs require more parts to install, and you can find them more in older homes. Torsion springs are much more common and are taking over residential doors because they allow for more controlled movement.

1. Extension springs

The extension springs in your door store energy by stretching or extending. Typically, there are two extension springs for every garage door, and you can find them on either side of the door, running parallel to the horizontal track. Because extension springs require more parts for installation, you have to give those extra pieces attention as well. You’ll need to evaluate the condition of your sheaves — the grooved wheels — and ensure there are no tears or other forms of damage to your cables. 

Extension springs can be further identified as:

  • Open looped: Open looped springs are the easiest to replace. 
  • Double looped: These springs are stronger than open loops but harder to replace. 
  • Clipped ends: These are the most durable extension springs. Though they are common for garage doors, they’re the most difficult to replace. 

2. Torsion Springs

Torsion springs are always above your garage door. These springs are right above the opening, and you can find them on the torsion bar. Instead of expanding, they turn to open your door and distribute the door’s weight evenly to reduce shaking as it opens. They hold tension when they’re wound up and release tension as your door rises. Depending on how heavy the door is and how many entries you have, you can find between one and four tension springs in your garage.

Torsion springs can be classified as:

  • Standard torsion: Heavier doors use two standard springs and lighter doors typically only need one. You can usually find these springs in residential homes. 
  • Early set: These springs are located in the middle of the torsion shaft and are similar to standard torsion springs but require different hardware. 
  • Steel rolling: Typically seen in commercial buildings, professionals install steel rolling torsion springs with a torsion barrel. 
  • Torque master: Torque master springs are the safest torsion springs because they’re inside the shaft. 

Torsion springs are safer to use than extension springs, and you’ll find that you can maintain your garage door much easier. While extension springs are out in the open, torsion springs are enclosed in a tube and don’t store as much energy, allowing for more use and less opportunity for damage. 

Importance of Garage Door Springs

The extension or torsion spring are the pieces capable of lifting your door. Otherwise, the door would be too heavy to open and slam shut when you close it. If your springs are broken or damaged, you won’t be able to open your door. You should not attempt to open your door if your springs have broken because you could further damage your system. 

Garage safety is imperative to ensure you protect people, vehicles and other objects from injury or damage during operation. Broken springs are dangerous and can cause serious injuries. If your extension springs have broken, avoid using your door or entering your garage. When these springs snap, they can cause pieces to fly through the air and injure people or damage vehicles and other items inside the garage. Call a professional to replace your springs if you hear strange noises or notice your door closing quickly. 

Signs to Replace Your Garage Door Spring

It can be challenging to determine if your garage issues result from bad springs or another problem. Although some parts may show similar signs of wear, your springs can be dangerous when broken. If you’re unsure of the issue, call a professional to evaluate the cause. 

Here are some ways to tell if your garage door spring is bad or broken:

  • Lifetime: How long torsion springs should last depends on how often you open and close your door. There is no set time frame. Instead, their lifetime is dependent on how many cycles they perform. You should start thinking about replacements if you’re approaching a decade of use.
  • Maintenance: It’s always a good idea to service moving parts in your garage about twice a year. Rust and buildup can easily affect parts and cause them to break down faster. Applying lubrication and wiping down all parts will help keep your door moving smoothly. 
  • Misalignment: If your door seems crooked or off track, you have a misalignment issue that could result from your bad springs. 
  • Strange sounds: Any loud banging or snapping indicates your springs are broken. You may also experience excessive squeaking.
  • Quickly shutting: A tell-tale sign your springs are bad is if your door closes very fast. This usually implies your springs are on their last leg and can’t hold the weight of your door correctly. 
  • Not opening: Although a door that refuses to open could be a sign of other door issues, it may also be because your springs are bad. Never attempt to open your door on your own because that could be when they snap.
  • Jerking: Even if the door eventually rises and falls, if you notice that it is jerking as it does, your springs are likely struggling to hold the weight.

Check Out Our Other Garage Door Maintenance Tips

Never attempt to repair or replace your spring on your own. A professional will be able to tell you if your garage door spring is broken and if there are any other issues. They’ll ensure safe and proper replacement and installation and give you advice for keeping it in the best condition. 

Garage Door Spring Repair in North Carolina

Marvin’s Garage Doors has been operating and servicing northwestern North Carolina since 1970. Our business is family-owned and stays true to our promise of integrity and value. Our team is full of friendly and knowledgeable people who are always ready to help. We’re known for our exceptional service and professional installation, but don’t take our word for it. You can review our testimonials and see what others say about us in Salem, Wilkesboro, Lewisville and surrounding areas. 

We offer 24-hour emergency service because we know how important your garage is to ensure the success of the start or end of your day. Request an estimate or schedule a service with us for quick and professional installation, repairs or replacements. 

Why the Garage Door Won’t Open or Close

When a garage door stops working, the source of the problem could lie anywhere. Regardless of why your garage door won’t open or close, it’s best to know the most common causes and whether to call a professional.

Below are 15 common reasons why overhead doors won’t open or close along with solutions to fix it.

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1. The Photo-Eye Is Blocked, Dirty or Misaligned

If your garage door stops and won’t close completely, the problem could be a blocked photo-eye. 

The photo-eye components are two pieces that align across each side of the garage door, roughly 4 inches above the ground. When activated, a pea-sized laser beam is sent from one end to the other. 


Reasons for incomplete door closure include: 

  • An object or dirt blocking the photo-eyes safety sensors. 
  • Misaligned sensors.

Solution: Fix the problem by removing the obstruction or calling a service to have your photo-eye realigned properly. 

2. The Operator Receives No Power

Sometimes, a garage door won’t open or close for one reason —  the door operator has no power connection because of an unplugged power cord. 

Often, a more serious issue will prevent an operator from receiving power, such as a blown fuse or circuit breaker. Problems with the circuit breaker should only be handled by a professional. 

Solution: Plug the cord back in or have a professional service reset your fuses. 

3. Expired Transmitter Batteries

If your garage door won’t open with a remote, the problem could be expired transmitter batteries. Check the transmission receiver inside your garage wall. If the door activates with a push, the issue is the remote and not the receiver.

Solution: Replacing the batteries should resolve this. 


4. Broken Garage Door Torsion or Extension Springs

If your motor is still running but the garage door refuses to open, the springs may be broken or faulty. Broken springs are hazardous, especially if you try to fix them yourself so it’s vital to enlist expert help.

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Torsion springs are located horizontally along the width of the garage door, whereas extension springs are on either side and raise and lower the door along its tracks. Each spring is rated according to its maximum number of cycles. 

SolutionOnce a spring has exhausted its cycles, it must be replaced by a professional garage door company

5. Snapped Cables

While the extension springs provide tension as the door is raised and lowered, the cables that align with each tension spring are responsible for the physical act of bringing the door up and down. Cables, like springs, are fundamental parts of your garage door. Without a cable, your door is unsupported and can fall back to the ground. 

Solution: Always rely on a professional service to repair and replace your cables. 

Garage Door Cable Repair Services

6. Misadjusted Sensitivity

A stuck garage door is often the result of misadjusted sensitivity settings. Bad setting inputs can create misadjusted sensitivity on your garage door. 


Solution: For this issue, call a service technician to reset the sensitivity settings. 

7. The Remote Signal Is Blocked

If you press the button on the remote and the garage door won’t open automatically, something might be blocking the signal. Alternatively, you might be out of range. 

The remote antenna on the opening device may have been obstructed or damaged. Ensure the antenna is pointed toward the door as it can get misdirected.

SolutionIf the garage door opener is receiving the signal but not opening, the antenna may be broken, and you’ll need to contact a service technician for help. 

8. Misadjusted Limit Setting

With a shut-reverse issue, the door closes as prompted and rises back up when it touches the ground. This happens due to a misadjusted limit setting on the opener. Incorrect inputs often create faulty garage door limit switches. 


Since openers are programmed not to close on foreign objects, the door will automatically reverse itself. 

Solution: If this happens, have a maintenance specialist inspect the limit settings on your opener and make the necessary adjustments. 

9. The Door Track Is Misaligned

The tracks that guide the door must be straight and even on both sides. If either track becomes slightly ajar, it can slow the door’s movement. Pressure and natural wear and tear can cause misaligned door tracks. 

Solution: Consult a technician to replace the tracks and get your garage door working again. 

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10. A Tiny Obstacle Is Present

If your garage door keeps reversing, a tiny object, dirt or foliage is likely obstructing it. Various items falling below the photo-eye beam can cause this.

The tracks also get lined with items that could halt and reverse the door. If something gets lodged into one of the tracks, the door might automatically reverse on contact. 

Solution: To prevent this, inspect the tracks twice yearly and clean them. When removing all the obstructions and the door is still reversing, call a garage door technician.

11. The Motor Has Been Deactivated

Sometimes when a garage door won’t open or close, it could be due to a disconnected motor, meaning the garage door is not opening but the motor is running. 


Solution: To solve this, reconnect the motor. 

12. Lock Mode Has Been Inadvertently Activated

If you return home to find that your garage door won’t open as prompted, it might be because you held the button down too long as you left. Sometimes human error causes a stuck garage door. Pushing the lock button is a minor error with a quick fix. 

Some garage openers allow you to put the opener in lock mode. You can activate this feature by holding down the button on your keypad for several seconds. Once locked, a normal button press will not activate the door. 

SolutionTo bring the door out of lock mode, simply hold the button down again for several seconds.

13. The Door Has Been Locked Manually


If nothing appears to be wrong with the opener, yet the garage door won’t open, you might have unintentionally locked it manually. A sign is when the motor momentarily runs when prompted but then shuts off without raising the door. 

Solution: Disengage the lock to unlock it. 

14. Stripped Gear in the Opener

As a garage door assembly ages, the stress of daily activity can have a cumulative effect on the opener. Once the gear becomes stripped, the opener will no longer function.

SolutionA stripped gear is a major problem. Call a technician to get the opener replaced. 

Garage Door Opener Repair Services

15. The Keypad Is out of Sync

The remote is not the only activation device that sometimes needs to be reset. If your remote works but the keypad doesn’t, it might be time to reset the code. 


SolutionIn most cases, this issue can easily be handled with the help of a user’s manual or troubleshooting guide.

Contact Marvin’s Garage Doors for Service

As the largest, heaviest and most technologically complex entrance to your home, the garage door is one of the most important security features of your house. Whenever your garage door fails to function as expected, the problem should be serviced as soon as possible.

Marvin’s Garage Doors provides 24-hour emergency service for homes in the Winston-Salem, Wilkesboro and Piedmont Triad of North Carolina. Contact Marvin’s Garage Doors whenever you need garage door services.

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Torsion Springs vs. Extension Springs

You may not think about garage springs very much in your life, but they’re one of the most essential parts of your home. You probably won’t go a day without operating these springs. Sometimes, garage springs can stop working, alerting you to their importance and making you consider what went wrong. A malfunctioning garage door can pose serious safety hazards, so you should monitor how your system operates.

Garage door springs make lifting that door possible using a mix of mechanisms and forces that work to overcome gravity. There are different types, so it’s important to differentiate between them and know which one you have in your home. 

Of all the types of garage door springs, torsion and extension springs are the most common. If you’re unfamiliar with garage springs, it can be challenging to stare up at your garage door and try to differentiate the two. With access to the right information, though, it can be fairly easy to spot the differences. 

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The Major Differences Between Torsion and Extension Springs

You can generally split the differences between torsion springs and extension springs into categories like appearance, location, uses and performance. Some of these categories — such as appearance — will obviously make it easier to identify than performance. However, knowing each individual difference can help you identify what went wrong and tell you whether the spring is suitable for your garage. 

Appearance and Location

The easiest way to tell the difference between tension and extension springs is to look at them. Extension springs are usually placed on either side of one garage door and are more visible than torsion springs. If you watch closely, you’ll see the springs compress when the garage door closes and extend when it opens again. 

Torsion springs, in contrast, only have one piece directly above your garage door. Since these springs are usually covered and protected, you won’t see much movement in torsion springs while the garage opens.

If you took each spring apart from the mechanism, you would find even more differences in appearance. The very end of each spring has marked differences — torsion springs end in pieces called cones, whereas extension springs end in loops. 

Uses and Performance

Aside from performance, the main difference between extension springs and torsion springs is how they actually operate. As their names imply, torsion springs use torque, while extension springs use the build-up of energy in their springs to lift the garage door.

Garage doors operate on a counterbalance system, meaning they utilize the energy in their mechanisms to pull the garage door open and close it again. Both types of springs use counterbalance assembly — they just use it in different ways: 

  • Extension springs: An extension spring is attached to cables that will pull your garage door open. These springs retract as the door is opened, pulling the cables at a constant speed that counters the door’s weight. These springs extend again when the door closes, using the stored energy to gently release the door back to its original position. 
  • Torsion springs: Torsion springs operate using torque. A twisting, rotational force creates the torque. The torsion spring mounts above your garage door on a tube, and cables are connected to the spring and wired to the bottom of your garage door. As your garage door opens, the spring unwinds in a twisting motion. This torque is transferred to the cables into a linear force as they pull the door open. When the door closes, the springs wind to force the door down again. 

You can check out your garage springs’ appearance, location and operations to determine which type you have. Of course, after you determine which kind you own, you could begin to wonder if one spring is more effective than another.

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Are Torsion Springs Better Than Extension Springs?

If you start asking around and researching, you will probably find that torsion springs are more recommended than extension springs. Several reasons support this claim include:

  • Safety: At this point, you may be unsure whether torsion or extension springs are safer. Essentially, torsion springs are much safer than extension springs. The constant stretching and compressing of extension springs lead to inevitable wear and tear. When they break, they can snap off and act as launched projectiles, threatening to harm people in the general vicinity. Torsion springs are concealed in a tube and don’t operate under the same pent-up energy that extension springs utilize. 
  • Maintenance: Extension springs have several parts and components, leaving them open to more maintenance issues. Two springs are on either side of the garage door, whereas a torsion spring usually only has one directly above your door. Extension springs have a lot more room for things to go wrong, and you’ll probably be calling for maintenance more often. Torsion springs have a longer life span and are more durable. 
  • Operations: Generally, torque is considered to be a better method overall to power your garage door. It’s a newer method, utilizing a twisting motion instead of an extending energy build-up that could pose safety hazards. Torque results in less maintenance and operates in a gentler, more methodical fashion. 

Though tension springs are usually recommended, you should completely cast extension springs aside. Based on your situation, it might be the right choice. Extension springs are usually the more affordable option, and they’re commonly found in residential homes.

Contact Marvin’s Garage Doors for Professional Garage Door Spring Repair

Even with all this knowledge of garage door springs and operations, it can be challenging to navigate the intricacies of your garage system. To ensure your safety, you should get in contact with a trusted, reliable garage door service that can help you with everything you need. 

Marvin’s Garage Doors can help you with all of your garage needs. Serving Winston-Salem, Wilkesboro and all Piedmont Triad of North Carolina, we’ve provided quality garage door products and service to northwestern North Carolina since 1970. 

Throughout all that time, we’ve stayed true to who we are — a family-owned business committed to providing quality products and services to those in our area. We serve both residential and commercial clients and will give you repairs, preventative services and access to a vast selection of products. 

If you’re looking for a garage door expert in your area, contact Marvin’s Garage Doors today!

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How to Choose Windows for Your Garage Door

Windows can transform your garage into an aesthetically pleasing entrance to your home. If you are wondering what size garage door windows normally are, rest assured that, structurally, window inserts won’t affect the stability of a garage door. Also, they come in many different shapes and sizes, so the style options are endless. To help you decide, take a look at the benefits and considerations. 

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5 Benefits of Garage Door Windows 

If you want to improve your home’s curb appeal or upgrade the exterior, garage door windows are a great option. Consider the following five benefits to see if garage door windows are the right choice for you: 

1. They Bring in Natural Light 

Garage door window inserts can offer privacy while bringing in an abundance of natural light, which is especially helpful if you have a workspace in your garage. Exposure to natural light has many benefits, including better sleeping patterns, increased focus, reduced stress and more energy. So if you spend a lot of time in your garage, then window inserts are a great option. 

2. Window Inserts Can Save Energy 

Having windows in your garage can save energy. Have you ever forgotten to switch off the garage light, or do you have a workspace and constantly have your light on? Having windows in your garage door can reduce your energy costs by bringing in natural light for you to see. 

3. They Can Increase the Outside Aesthetic Appeal 

While windows on garage doors aren’t essential, they can enhance your home’s curb appeal. Garage door windows add a touch of sophistication that will add to the look of your beautiful home. This aspect is especially helpful if you’re in the process of renovating your home to sell it, as adding matching windows to your garage door can attract potential buyers. 

4. Garage Windows Increase a Home’s Value 

Adding windows to your garage door can turn the space into more than just storage for your car, but a welcoming area that you can use as a game room or a workroom. Customizable window inserts also create a visually appealing aesthetic and cohesive look to your home. 

5. They Are Completely Customizable 

The best thing about garage door windows is that you can choose whatever design you want. The glass panels come in different shapes, sizes and colors, so your options are endless.

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Should You Get Garage Door Windows? 

Choosing to install garage door windows depends on your location, budget and goals. Getting window inserts can improve your home’s curb appeal and increase value. So if you’re planning on selling or renovating your home, garage door windows can enhance the quality and overall look. 

There are a few other considerations to take into account before making your decision, such as: 

  • Security risks: If you live in an area prone to break-ins, consider the type of window inserts you want to install. Certain panes may allow thieves to look into your garage and break in. However, there are glass options that can limit break-ins, such as tinted or frosted glass that don’t allow thieves to look in. Other options to lower the risk include additional security measures like outdoor cameras or built-in notification systems. 
  • Extreme weather conditions: If you live in an area prone to extreme weather conditions, you may experience a couple of shattered panels now and then. Thankfully, replacing these panels is relatively easy. Or, if you want to prevent your windows from breaking at all, tempered glass is a great alternative insert option that is four times stronger than regular glass. 
  • Homeowner’s association (HOA) regulations: If you live in a complex or secured area, there might be certain HOA regulations you’ll need to follow concerning styles, colors and shapes. So before you choose a style it’s best to make sure your garage door design complies with the regulations. 
  • Maintenance: Cleaning a garage door isn’t always at the top of the list, but since we use our garages every day, it’s important to get rid of dirt and grime to minimize damage and keep the machinery functioning properly. If you install garage door windows, your cleaning schedule will need to include wiping down window surfaces every season to get rid of dust build-up. However, this task can be easily done using a mild liquid soap and water. 

How to Pick Garage Door Windows 

Think about your goals and then choose the best type and shape of garage door windows for your home. Clear glass provides an abundance of natural light, but if you want privacy with the benefits of natural light, opting for tinted, patterned or rectangular glass panels is your best option. Your budget also plays a part in your decision. Here are the different types and shapes of glass inserts to consider: 

Types of Glass for Garage Doors

The first aspect to consider when choosing windows for your garage doors is the type of glass you want. Some types of glass include:

  • Tempered glass: Considered a type of safety glass, if this material breaks it’s safer and easier to clean up. 
  • Standard single glass pane: The most cost-effective type is a single pane of glass. 
  • Double pane: These window inserts provide some insulation and come in a variety of different types. 

The various double pane options you can select from are:

  • Tinted glass: This type of glass can come in various thicknesses and colors like shades of greens, blues or grays.
  • Frosted glass: Has a misty look and offers increased privacy. 
  • Patterned glass: Another option for improved privacy is patterned glass, which can come in many different patterns to suit the exterior of your home. 
  • Mirrored glass: This type of glass reflects the outside during the day, creating privacy while bringing in natural light. At night, however, the mirrored glass loses its reflection and becomes completely opaque. 

Window Shapes for Garage Doors

If you are interested in installing garage doors with windows, there are several types of shapes you can choose from, including:

  • Colonial
  • Stockton
  • Sunset
  • Charleston
  • Madison
  • Prairie
  • Plain/Clear – Rectangle, Square & Arch
  • Rectangle with Grilles
  • Square with Grilles
  • Arch with Grilles
  • Wrought Iron Designs

Check Out Our Other Garage Door Styling Tips

Are Garage Windows Worth It?

When it comes to increasing your home’s value or improving curb appeal, glass inserts can enhance your garage and your overall exterior. Consulting a qualified garage company like Marvin’s Garage Doors and asking for advice can help you make the best decision. 

Marvin’s Garage Doors is a family-owned and -operated business that has been serving the local area since 1970. We install and service residential and commercial garage doors in North Carolina. If you need some expert advice, get in touch with us today! 


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